Monday, May 21, 2012

Namaste, thanks for joining me!

That is what I say after every yoga class I teach. Now I say it to you for reading this little post in the blogosphere. There are a couple readers and for you I am appreciative. Today I thought I'd elaborate on how I came to love yoga.

A horse led me to yoga. With a quick kick to the face. :)

Yes, you heard me right. A horse.... and a kick.

I was riding occasionally with my sister at a barn here in my town. My sister is quite a great horsewoman, riding English. She jumps and shows. She is amazing. Me, well I was just learning to ride.

One day I met her at the barn. We were going to take a few of the horses out for a quick walk around since it had been raining for a few days. Mud was everywhere, but it was a beautiful day. My sisters horse, Asher, is a good boy. But he was giving her some trouble, pushing her around not walking right. This is my older sister but...I'm quite bossy. My sister gets a little nervous with the horses. Plus I always feel the need to boss her (and everyone). So I said, "Let me do it. I am not afraid." Some famous last words.

I took Asher and she went off with the other horse. Asher and I passed a big bag of apples he had been eyeing and.... for some reason something spooked  him.  Up he went and ripped the lead out of my hand. Automatically I bent down to pick it up (bad move) and then got kicked in the head, the eye to be exact. Literally a swift kick to the head.

Obviously that was a bit dramatic and traumatic. But...this kick actually changed me for the better. While I was healing from the shattered eye socket and cheekbone I needed some way to work out and relieve stress. You should know I am addicted to working out (sometimes).

Looking through a little local magazine I found an ad for a yoga studio down the street. I decided it was time to try it. From the moment I walked into the studio I like I'd come home. For this I am thankful for that "bad" day and that "bad" horse.

That's the start of my yoga story. Do you have a place you came home to, the very first time you arrived? Tell me....

Sunday, May 20, 2012

As a child did you imagine your grown up life? Were your dreams crazy, exciting or simple?

I imagined myself "grown up" every day as a kid. I really did.   It wasn't a crazy dream. Outside in our yard all day I made culinary masterpieces with jade plant, mud and miscellaneous flowers. I had a little pretend broom that swept and cleaned my kitchen with. The side of our house had a long narrow strip of land where I had this little home set up. A broken chair served as my stove. River rocks under foot. The brick of the fireplace made for a nice shelf to set my tools on. I imagined that one day, my real grown up life would be similar except of course, not pretend.

Yesterday, I had a fun "real grown up day", as I am fond of saying. This is where that pretend life I imagined as a kid comes close to the real life I have as an adult. If you can get that in life you're golden. I’m working toward it.

So my fun Saturday went like this: Wake, coffee, breakfast and off to teach yoga. Grocery store, then pick up CSA (basket of delight as I call it). Later in the day started prepping some food for the week. Boil eggs, make homemade mayo, chimi churri sauce, boil potatoes, put together an awesome potato salad... well you get the pic. Basically got to spend the afternoon playing in the kitchen. Just like when I was a kid.

Have to show you my CSA basket for the week....

Basket of Delight

Spring/summer = stone fruit = YAY!

Nice lettuce

Fresh lima beans, warning don't eat raw. They are toxic if not cooked.

What did you imagine your grown up life would be? Was it grandiose, or simple? Have you already... or will you make one or two of those dreams come true?