I imagined myself "grown up" every day as a kid. I really did. It wasn't a crazy dream. Outside in our yard all day I made culinary masterpieces with jade plant, mud and miscellaneous flowers. I had a little pretend broom that swept and cleaned my kitchen with. The side of our house had a long narrow strip of land where I had this little home set up. A broken chair served as my stove. River rocks under foot. The brick of the fireplace made for a nice shelf to set my tools on. I imagined that one day, my real grown up life would be similar except of course, not pretend.
Yesterday, I had a fun "real grown up day", as I am fond of saying. This is where that pretend life I imagined as a kid comes close to the real life I have as an adult. If you can get that in life you're golden. I’m working toward it.
So my fun Saturday went like this: Wake, coffee, breakfast and off to teach yoga. Grocery store, then pick up CSA (basket of delight as I call it). Later in the day started prepping some food for the week. Boil eggs, make homemade mayo, chimi churri sauce, boil potatoes, put together an awesome potato salad... well you get the pic. Basically got to spend the afternoon playing in the kitchen. Just like when I was a kid.
Have to show you my CSA basket for the week....
Basket of Delight
Spring/summer = stone fruit = YAY!
Nice lettuce
Fresh lima beans, warning don't eat raw. They are toxic if not cooked.